Opt-in for eReceipts!

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Terms & Conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We have got answers

Can I opt in to receive eReceipts without having a Card Number?

Nothing. This is a FREE service available to all customers.

How much does it cost to become a eReceipt member?

We provides you with a full user management functions that results in faster development, faster revenue, user and the ability to serve your users engaging efficiently.

Can I stop receiving paper receipts?

This program is currently being tested in selected stores. During this time, you will continue to receive a full printed receipt at the register during checkout.

How can I change my eReceipt preferences if necessary?

Once you receive your eReceipt, there is an Update Profile link at the bottom. Click on “Update Profile” and you will be directed to an online form. From this form you can opt-out of receiving eReceipts or update your email address.